As an ssd solution specialty company, there are five key areas where we believe we can have the greatest impact through our defaced currency cleaning operations, ssd chemical products and ssd solutions. These core areas include fighting climate change, minimizing waste, eliminating pollution, creating safe and sustainable ssd solution chemistry, and, contributing to the development of our employees as well as the local communities in which we operate.
Our ssd solution raw materials suppliers and value chain relationships are a key part of our success. Daily we seek to drive sustainability performance in our ssd solution chemical supply chains and to promote transparency and solidarity beyond. Through our membership in the new accredited Together for Sustainability initiative and our commitments, among others, to the ssd chemical Science Based Targets initiative and the Roundtable on Sustainable ssd chemical, we strive to manage the risks associated with ssd solution raw materials and foster increased sustainability awareness and performance. We have built a world-class reputation for reliability and quality in ssd solution markets where failure is not an option. For more than 25 years SIRAJ SSD CHEMICAL PVT LTD has been producing high-quality custom specialty ssd chemicals for a variety of industries and black defaced currency cleaning services that make a difference in people’s lives.
The Company operates out of a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility based in New Delhi India. Our ssd solution products are designed to meet customer specifications and often must level up with stringent governmental and regulatory requirements. Our customers and ssd chemical product distribution now span most of the globe.